Controlling Your Legacy

What To Do If An Oil Company Wants To Drill On Your Land

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If you have fertile land that could have oil underneath it, you might be approached by a representative of an oil company, who might ask to drill on your land. Believe it or not, this happens more often than you probably think. Don’t assume that you just have to say yes, however. Instead, try these tips for handling the situation. Check Your Land Documents Check the documents that came along with ownership of your land. Read More»

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: When Not To File

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Are you overwhelmed by debt to the point that you’re considering filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy? If so, then you should be aware that filing chapter 7 is a decision that’s not to be taken lightly; while it can be a great choice for those in dire financial straits, the fact remains that a bankruptcy stays on your credit report for many years and can make it difficult to obtain new loans and lines of credit in the future. Read More»

Getting Your Criminal Record Expunged

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A criminal record can still cause difficulties in your life long after doing the time or completing any other sentences associated with the conviction. Finding a job could prove difficult, as most employers do a background check to before hiring you, while landlords may refuse to rent or schools refuse to enroll you as long as you have been convicted of a crime or arrested in the past. Luckily, you may be able to put a past crime behind you forever and be able to legally claim that you were never charged or convicted. Read More»

Is Your Employer Avoiding Your on the Job Injury?

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You were hurt on the job, and all of a sudden your employer is trying to put the blame on you, what are you supposed to do? You need to hire a lawyer to go through your case quickly, so you can get the payment that you deserve. You were injured working hard for your employer, and it isn’t fair that they want to wipe their hands of the situation, without paying anything. Read More»

Can You Receive Workers Compensation For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

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If you work in a fast-paced, high-risk environment – such as a police or fire department, prison, or emergency room – you may occasionally find yourself feeling stressed, depressed, or jumpy. But when these feelings begin to overshadow your normal mental state, it could be a sign of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Are you able to submit a workers compensation claim to your employer for the infliction of this emotional distress, or is it merely an unfortunate side effect of a high-stress job? Read More»