Controlling Your Legacy

Tips For Those That Have Been Involved In Personal Injury Accidents

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Understanding the appropriate steps to take after you have been involved in an accident can be important for ensuring that you protect the strength of any legal claim that you will have against the party that caused the accident. Sadly, individuals will frequently make mistakes in these situations as a result of being inexperienced with handling these situations. Avoid Emotional Confrontations With The Other Party When you are discussing the accident with the other party, you should avoid allowing yourself to become overly emotional. Read More»

Tips On How To Prepare For Divorce Mediation

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If you are looking to avoid going to trial in a divorce case, you and your spouse may be attempting to attend mediation and work out a settlement on your own. This helps you to avoid costly litigation expenses, helps you both to move on from the marriage faster and can help you both to keep the items that are most important to you. If you have a mediation date scheduled, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to prepare for the big day. Read More»

Co-Parenting Plans 101

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For couples that divorce with minor-aged children, the number of potentially contentious issues can multiply rapidly if they are not careful. Dealing with these parenting-related issues wisely could make a huge difference in the relative peacefulness of your divorce. If you and your spouse set aside some time before you take it court to try and resolve some of these issues among yourselves, you may be saving money, time and the stress of court. Read More»

Why Immigration From Certain Other Countries Is Rare

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A large portion of illegal immigrants are from Central, Latin, and South America. The rest of the illegal immigrants are comprised of African or Middle Eastern people. It is a curious thing why so many of the illegal immigrants are from these countries, and not from parts of Europe or Eurasia. Actually, is not too surprising when you consider the reasons for illegal immigration into the U.S.. Here are some reasons why illegal immigration from certain other countries is rare. Read More»

Getting A Divorce: 3 Terms To Include For Ending Alimony Support

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Although everyone says their vows with the hope of being able to share the rest of their life with that person, this is hardly ever the case even though divorce rates have been going down. There were only 16.9 divorces per 1,000 married women aged 15 and older in 2015. Still, if you’re getting a divorce, you know just how much headache comes with the situation. If you are the breadwinner, you might need to pay alimony to your former spouse. Read More»