Controlling Your Legacy

Three Common Mistakes To Avoid After A Car Accident

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Anytime you’re involved in a car accident it can be unnerving — it doesn’t need to be a major collision. In fact, it’s common for people who are involved in car wrecks to react without putting a lot of thought into how their actions might affect their future. If you aren’t careful, the actions you take immediately after the accident could come back to haunt you. So, if you’re involved in a car wreck, try to avoid these three common mistakes in case you need to file an accident claim through the court in the future. Read More»

3 Common Legal Mistakes That New Landlords Make (And How To Avoid Them)

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If you’ve decided to become a landlord, you’re likely excited at the prospect but also overwhelmed at all that must be done. To help ease your fears and to ensure that you’re on the right path, take a look at the three most common legal mistakes that new landlords make below and learn how you can avoid them. 1. Using a Generic Lease Agreement As a new landlord, it can be helpful to take a look at different leases and rental agreements. Read More»

Why You Might Want To Retain A Business Law Lawyer For Your Company

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As a business owner, you need to make sure that you are covering all of your legal needs with the help of a lawyer who specializes in business law. To understand the benefits that will come from hiring a business lawyer, you will want to review the following points. Properly Updates Internal Agreements If there have been changes to your shareholder’s, partnership, or LLC agreement, it is vital that it is documented in a proper manner. Read More»

3 Things A Temporary Custody Agreement Can Do For You

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Are you going through a divorce that is less than amicable? This can be a very tumultuous time for everyone involved, particularly when it comes to child custody arrangements. If you and your soon-to-be former spouse have not yet worked out your custody agreement and you wish to keep your children in your care until an agreement is reached, you have the option to file a temporary custody order. A temporary custody order is used to do the following: Read More»

Why Your Personal Injury Attorney's Skills At Settling Out Of Court Matter

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Only about 1 out of every 20 personal injury cases ever go trial—and there are some really good reasons this is so. If you’re about to talk to an attorney about a personal injury lawsuit, learn why pretrial negotiation skills may matter more than how many successful trials they’ve had in court. There can be diminishing returns on your case the further that you take it. Personal injury attorneys generally work on a contingency fee basis, which means that they don’t get paid unless you receive a settlement either before or after a lawsuit is filed. Read More»