Controlling Your Legacy

How An Attorney Can Help You Through The Steps Of Estate Planning

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Estate planning is a crucial undertaking that safeguards your assets and guarantees their distribution in accordance with your desires once you have departed this world. While it is possible to create a basic estate plan on your own, enlisting the help of an estate planning attorney can provide invaluable expertise and guidance. This article will explore how an attorney can assist you through the steps of estate planning, helping you navigate the complex legal landscape and ensure your wishes are carried out. Read More»

Understanding PFA Orders and How They Can Help Victims of Domestic Abuse

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Domestic violence is a pervasive problem in society today. It affects everyone, regardless of gender, age, social status, or economic background. To combat domestic violence and provide immediate aid to victims, states and territories have created laws and policies to address the issue. One of these policies is called a Protection From Abuse (PFA) Order, which is designed to provide immediate protection and remove the victim from harm. Explore what a PFA order is, how it works, and how it can help victims of domestic abuse. Read More»

Tips For Avoiding Legal Problems Related To Co-Parenting

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Many people find co-parenting challenging and face court battles over issues they can avoid. Below are tips to prevent family legal problems when co-parenting. Understand and Obey the Court Orders First, understand every clause, sentence, and word in your child custody and visitation order. As is the case with other legal issues, family courts don’t accept ignorance as a defense. It is important to understand the following: How long you can have the child if you have shared custody The decisions you cannot make without involving the other parent When to return or pick up the child for alternate custody Consult your lawyer if something is unclear. Read More»

Do You Need A Bankruptcy Attorney?

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Bankruptcy is not something any homeowner wants to face. It means admitting that you are in a difficult financial situation and that you are struggling to manage your debts. However, sometimes it is the only way out of a difficult situation. For those who don’t want to go through the process of dealing with creditors and bankruptcy courts, the answer is to hire a bankruptcy attorney. This blog post will discuss the reasons why you may need a bankruptcy attorney and what they can do for you. Read More»

How To Prepare A Deportation Defense

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The prospect of mounting a deportation defense can feel scary. Fortunately, you can do several things to be as prepared as possible. A deportation defense attorney will usually want you to do all of the following. Seek Counsel Immediately It is always wise to have counsel when you go to court. This is even more important when attending a deportation hearing. The American immigration and deportation system is painfully complex, and you’ll almost certainly need a deportation defense lawyer to help you make sense of it. Read More»