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Roadblocks To Divorce: Fault Can Backfire

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If you’ve been planning to request a divorce from your spouse, you know that a no-fault divorce means you don’t have to prove something is wrong in the marriage in order to end it. However, a lot of misinformation still persists about getting a divorce, including the role your spouse plays in finally approving a divorce agreement. While there are things your spouse can do to make it difficult, they are not things that are easy to do. Read More»

3 Tips To Strenghten Your Personal Injury Claim In A Slip And Fall Accident

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Slip and fall accidents can happen to anyone. In order for the business or person to be held liable, you need to be able to prove that the accident was their fault. Poorly constructed floors or poorly maintained floors can be a few reasons why a person or business may be held liable for your accident. There are a number of factors that an insurance company looks at in order to award you an amount for the claim. Read More»

How Personal Injury Attorneys Get Paid

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When you get injured at work, in a car accident, or because of a product malfunction, you deserve justice. A personal injury lawyer can help you seek monetary damages to pay for hospital bills, doctor bills, recovery costs and prescriptions. If you’ve never worked with a personal injury lawyer before, you might have questions about how lawyers get paid. Especially if you’re out of work because of your injury, it can seem a bit daunting to pay a lawyer. Read More»

Selfie Sticks And Auto Accidents: A New Form Of Distracted Driving

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You’ve probably at least heard of selfie sticks: those extendable monopods that allow people to lengthen their arm’s reach while using a smartphone or camera to take “selfie” photos. What you may not realize is that they are rapidly becoming the newest form of distracted driving. There have been some spectacular accidents that have brought the issue to light. A few self-deprecating souls have posted their own online public service announcements about the dangers of selfie sticks and distracted driving. Read More»

How Probate Handles Your Family Home

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As the executor of a will, your main responsibility is to carry out the wishes of the deceased. Among those duties are the filing of the will with the probate court and to distribute the property as specified in the will. If you are the executor of your only living parent’s will, you may find yourself with the task of dividing the family home among your siblings. The family home can carry a lot of emotional weight, so read on for how probate handles the disposition of your family home. Read More»

Should You Allow Your Child To Make Custody Decisions?

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Parents of a minor child who divorce will normally have a well-crafted child custody and visitation plan in place once the divorce becomes final. If you and your ex-spouse were able to work together to create a fair plan with the best interests of your child in mind, you know the importance of using your own input, rather than that of a judge. No one can really know what’s best for your child but you and your ex-spouse. Read More»

How To File For Long-Term Disability Benefits

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If you get injured and are no longer able to work your normal job or your normal hours, you might be eligible for long-term disability benefits. The way you file for benefits can really help determine whether or not you are granted your benefits. Here are some tips for filing the paperwork. Use the Right Paperwork While you can probably locate paperwork to print and send in to file a disability claim, you will be much better off if you use the forms supplied to you by your employer. Read More»

Divorce And 50/50 Parenting

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As a divorced parent, when it comes time to make custody and visitation arrangements, you will be faced with several choices. Many times, parents want the agreement to provide time with both parents, so joint custody is chosen. 5050 seems to be a fair division of time for each parent and often the divorce decree will stipulate that each parent will share physical custody for 50% of the time. However, when it comes to actually spelling out the exact details on this type of agreement, negotiations flounder and it becomes clear that more thought needs to be put into the custody arrangements. Read More»

The Etiquette Of Divorce: Tips For A Civilized Split

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Going through a divorce is never easy, but things can be made more complicated and challenging when the divorce isn’t amicable or the two parties simply can’t be civilized with each other throughout the process. If you’re going through a divorce, the best thing you can do for yourself is to keep things as civilized and peaceful as possible; by doing so, you’ll be able to find inner peace and move forward with your life. Read More»

Two Crucial Elements Of Proving Negligence

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Negligence is best described as an unintentional action by a person, business or other entity that results in an injury. When it comes to personal injury cases, negligence is one of the most important factors. Typically, it is the responsibility of the injured to prove that the other party was acting negligently in order to be successful with their claim. Given its importance, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the factors that help establish negligence in a personal injury case. Read More»