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Why Your Personal Injury Attorney's Skills At Settling Out Of Court Matter

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Only about 1 out of every 20 personal injury cases ever go trial—and there are some really good reasons this is so. If you’re about to talk to an attorney about a personal injury lawsuit, learn why pretrial negotiation skills may matter more than how many successful trials they’ve had in court. There can be diminishing returns on your case the further that you take it. Personal injury attorneys generally work on a contingency fee basis, which means that they don’t get paid unless you receive a settlement either before or after a lawsuit is filed. Read More»

Things To Do If You Are Falsely Accused Of A Crime

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Are you being falsely accused of a crime that you didn’t commit? It can be tempting to try and ignore the charges and pretend that everything will be alright, since you assume there is no proof available that you committed the crime. Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple and you will need to take an active part in your defense to prevent false charges from becoming a real criminal sentence. The following tips can help you deal with a false accusation. Read More»

3 Reasons Foster Parents Could Need A Family Law Attorney

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In the United States alone there are more than a half a million children who end up in foster care every year. Without those good-hearted individuals who are willing to step up and take care of these children, it would be a drastic burden on the localized governments to take charge and make sure these youngsters have a place to stay. If you are a foster parent, you may feel like there is enough respect for what you do that you would never be faced with the need for a lawyer. Read More»

Workers Compensation Benefits: Repetitive Stress Injuries

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Most people think of workers compensation as a program that compensates workers for an accident, such as a fall, that occurs on the job, but it can also cover other situations. For example, if you suffer from a repetitive stress injury, or RSI, caused by your job, you might be eligible for benefits from workers compensation. This article takes a look at some of the key considerations surrounding this issue.  Background   At one point, workers compensation laws only applied to those who suffered an injury from a single unfortunate event that left them unable to perform their job. Read More»

Why Married Couples Find It Challenging To File For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

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Married and single persons face different challenges when filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  If you are married, you shouldn’t use a single friend’s bankruptcy process as a yardstick for your application. Some of the unique challenges to prepare for include: Passing the Means Test  Chapter 7 bankruptcy process has a means test, which is designed to ensure that only those who can’t truly pay their debts get the discharge. If you have a reasonable disposable income, which is the money you are left with after paying your allowed monthly expenses, then you may not qualify for the bankruptcy. Read More»

Tips For Paying Your Bills While You Wait For Disability

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Social Security Disability isn’t always easy to get. The application alone can be intimidating, and while you’re waiting for a decision, it can be stressful and overwhelming. When you add to that the financial struggles that often come from the loss of work, it can be a difficult time. If you’re wondering how you will cover the bills while you’re waiting for your disability decision, you’re not without options. Here are a few things to consider when you’re trying to make ends meet. Read More»

Understanding The Difference Between No-Fault And Uncontested Divorces

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There are two primary factors which must first be determined prior to filing for a divorce which can be described as responsibility and resolution. Responsibility is effectively determined based on whose actions ultimately led to the dissolution of the marriage. Meanwhile, resolution is simply determined by whether or not you and your spouse can reach an agreement on how to resolve financial, custodial and property issues. Determining Who is at Fault Read More»

Employers And Interns: What You Need To Know To Stay Afloat Legally

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If this if your first rodeo when it comes to hiring unpaid interns, there are a few things you need to always keep in mind to ensure that you’re passing the test – legally – and don’t end up in a nasty court battle. First off, you need to ensure that your intern understands that they will not be paid for their time at your company. Don’t just take their word for it, either; get the confirmation in writing. Read More»

How To Protect Your Photos From Online Theft

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Whether you’re a professional photographer or an amateur photojournalist snapping pictures of your everyday life to record for posterity, you run the risk of having any images that you publish online stolen. What are your choices? You could choose not to publish any of your images online, but that means limiting their exposure more than you want. Instead, you can take steps to enforce your copyright. Here’s what you should know. Read More»

3 Items You Can Claim In Your Personal Injury Case

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Many individuals never think about being injured in an accident. They go through life thinking everything is fine until the day they slip coming out of the grocery store. This personal injury can be devastating to your livelihood. Not only are you stuck trying to recover from your injuries, but you are stuck trying to figure out how to make ends meet and get back on your feet again. Personal injuries are frustrating and overwhelming. Read More»