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Managing Emotions Through Divorce: 4 Lawyer's Tips On A Successful Mediation Process

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Even the best divorces between the most conscious partners tend to have an element of anger and resentment. You might think that you will have an easy time with the divorce mediation when you start the process of feeling neutral. However, if you do not manage your emotions, you will have difficulties keeping a level head, complicating the mediation process. The best thing that you can do to avoid irrational behavior that could ruin the progress of the mediation process is to learn how to take charge of your emotions. Read More»

Be Ready For Your Personal Injury Deposition Using These Tips

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Some personal injury cases settle outside of court. However, you may need to participate in a deposition if you end up suing the other driver and their insurer after an accident. The other driver is responsible for paying you for certain damages if they caused the accident. You must have physical injuries, though, and proof of all of your other damages too. Depositions are part of trial preparations and involve being questioned under oath about the accident and your damages. Read More»

Important Services Attorneys Can Provide to Townhome Owners

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If you own a townhome that is rented out to tenants on a regular basis, there will be legal aspects involved that you need to properly manage. An association attorney can assist with these services, in particular, saving you time and stress. Help Create Tenant Contracts Before you have people live in your townhome, it’s important that you set up some rules first. These rules need to be put in a contract too so that you have some legal protection if the rules are ignored or broken intentionally. Read More»

You May Be Able To Keep Your Personal Injury Settlement During Bankruptcy

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Bankruptcy is a confusing and complicated process and can become even more complicated when you are expected to receive a personal injury settlement. Under these circumstances, you will need to speak with a personal injury lawyer about how this will affect your case. How to Protect Your Personal Injury Settlement The most important thing you can do is to disclose that you will be receiving a personal injury settlement. If it is later discovered that you were hiding your personal injury claim, this might lead to penalties from the courts. Read More»

Child Custody Agreements For Special Needs Children Require In-Depth Scrutiny

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Child custody agreements are matters handled by parents. However, in the eyes of the law, the child is the most important component of this equation. For this reason, the court will always place the needs of the child high above those of the parents battling for custody, particularly if the child has a special medical need. Learn about some of the factors the courts often use to make their decision. Read More»

Is It Worth It To Hire A Vehicle Accident Lawyer?

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Most people will never take vehicle accident injuries to court, but the truth is that many people should. Injuries can be serious, and each person has the right to pursue a pain-free life to the best of their ability. A vehicle accident can interfere with this. So, is it worth it to hire a vehicle accident lawyer to pursue a case? Here’s what you should consider. First, You Might Wonder If a Lawsuit Is Worth It Read More»

Situations Where You Should Hire a Child Custody Attorney

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Child custody battles are often the most difficult battles that you may fight when you are going through the process of divorce. Therefore, you will usually not want to tackle a child custody battle without the help of a child custody attorney. You’re in the Middle of a Complicated Child Custody Battle If you have gone through a challenging divorce, your partner might choose to use child custody as a tool during negotiations or may even wish to punish you by trying to force a child custody arrangement that you do not want and that may not be in the best interests of your child. Read More»

Income Available For Paying Child Support: What To Know

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Divorcing parents might as well view child support as one of those issues that are bound to pop up during divorce. In most cases, the financial affairs of a divorcing party are an inevitable part of not just child support but marital debts, spousal support, and the assets of the couple. To learn more about the financial side of child support during divorce, read on. Who Makes the Most Income? Read More»

Divorce and New Living Arrangements

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Divorce signals change in almost every aspect of a couple’s life. Therefore, when a couple’s relationship breaks up, they part ways. That parting of ways is not just theoretical, though. In most cases, one party will need to find new living arrangements with a divorce in the offing. It’s up to the couple to decide what happens to the family home with a divorce. As long as they agree, the judge will approve of any arrangements they make. Read More»